Welcome to the School of Health Professions
The School of Health Professions at the University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (ZHW) was founded in January 2006. This is the first time that the professions of occupational therapy, physiotherapy and nursing will be taught and learnt at university level.
Our offers
- Scientifically soundly based, practice-related course of studies leading to a Bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Nursing (from September 2006)
- Continuing education for these professions (to be developed)
- Research and development
- Consulting and services (in preparation)
Our vision
Through our services, we contribute to constructive change and thereby to improved quality, effectiveness and economy in health care provision.
We stay abreast of the latest research findings worldwide and add to them with our own research.
The professionals we train are able to integrate the results of research into their work, and their professional expertise allows them to take on greater authority and responsibility and to occupy positions of leadership.
Our principles
- Public health: Health for all
- Evidence based health care
- Humanity: empathic and respectful relations between lecturers and students and between health care professionals, therapists and patients
- EAE: Education and practice are Effective, Appropriate and Economical
- Problem-solving ability: developed with all those involved with an eye to the future