- Institute of Applied Information Technology InIT (Information in German)
- Institute of Applied Linguistics for Business and Education ISBB (Information in German)
- Institute of Applied Media Studies IAM (Information in German)
- Institute of Architecture Design and Civil Engineering
- Institute of Banking & Finance IBF
- Institute of Business Law IBL
- Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology ICB
- Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design IDP
- Institute of Embedded Systems InES (Information in German)
- Institute of Enterprise Management and Leadership IEM
- Winterthur Institute of Health Management WIG
- Institute of Materials and Process Engineering IMPE (to be founded)
- Institute of Mechatronic Systems IMS (Information in German)
- Institute of Midwifery (Information in German)
- Institute of Nursing (Information in German)
- Institute of Occupational Therapy (Information in German)
- Institute of Physiotherapy (Information in German)
- Institute for Public Management IPM
- Institute of Sustainable Devolopment INE (Information in German)
- Institute of Translation and Interpreting IUED (Information in German)
Our Institutes create the dynamic entrepreneurial environment which enables research and development to expand in a systematic and professional way. They are run as profit centres and allow the creation and development of expertise in a working world where interdisciplinary cooperation is the norm.
Institutes at the ZHW are led by a professor who has a teaching load of at least 30%. This ensures that knowledge is transferred into the teaching process, which in turn ensures that degree programmes and continuing education courses at the ZHW are constantly enriched by state-of-the-art practical experience. Our staff of research associates and assistants form the backbone of the Institutes, which are supported by a modern and comprehensive infrastructure.