The ZHW campus
The ZHW campus is the whole town of Winterthur,
but there are three main locations:
(Senior Management; Administration; School of Engineering; School
of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering – Civil Engineering
St. Georgenplatz
(School of Management; School of Communication: Degree Programmes Translation and Interpreting)
(School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering – Architecture
Department; School of Communication
- IAM (Institute of Applied Media Studies) and Degree Programme in
Journalism and Organizational Communication; Technopark)
The ZHW also has a location in
(Center German as a Foreign Language - Classrooms only)
You will find useful information on other pages
about accommodation in
or near the centre of town, the ZHW
Students’ Association (VSZHW), our cafeterias
(in German), and our wide
range of free sports