International Student Exchange

Incoming - outgoing

The Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (ZHW) supports and promotes international and national student exchanges with other universities.

Exchanges normally take place as part of an international exchange programme, e.g. Erasmus. Other opportunities are based on bilateral agreements between the ZHW and other universities.

The exact modalities and possibilities vary according to degree programme. For detailed information please see "International" or "Partner universities" on the web pages of the individual schools or degree programmes:

School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
Coordination: Prof. Stephan Mäder (Portrait, in German)
Registry: Hubert Mäder (Portrait, in German)
» Partner universities of the Architecture Degree Programme

School of Engineering
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Armin Züger (Portrait, in German)
Contact for Postgraduate Studies abroad: Prof. Urs Glauser (Portrait, in German)
» Partner universities (information in German)

School of Management
Director of International Relations: John H. Rankin (Portrait, in German)
Coordination Europe: Prof. Isabelle Zulauf (Portrait, in German)
International Office: Bernadette Einsmann (Portrait, in German)
» Information on international exchange programmes

School of Communication
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Urs Willi (Portrait, in German)
Registry: Anita Lendenmann (Portrait, in German)

» Studying in Switzerland: A publication of the Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences KFH on studying at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences (in English, pdf).

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