The ZHW Students’ Association
All students at the ZHW are automatically members of the
ZHW Students’ Association
(VSZHW). The Association represents its members in dealings with
authorities, the senior management of the ZHW, and students’ associations
from other institutions.
The VSZHW is concerned with all issues relevant to studies at
the ZHW. Issues which affect students are dealt with at regular
of the delegates, where VSZHW representatives for the Supervisory
Board and the Council of Delegates are also elected.
The VSZHW Techshop on the first floor of the B building
(Technikumstr. Winterthur) and at the Georgenplatz in Winterthur
(School of Management) sells study materials at reasonable
The Association publishes its magazine 'brainstorm' several times
a year. Here ZHW members can speak their mind freely. In addition,
the Association has its own useful
website, where students can find jobs, accommodation, and more.
To cover the costs of its activities, the Association
a contribution from all students each semester.