About us

The Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (ZHW) is a member of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZFH). It is the largest multi-faculty university of applied sciences in Switzerland, with five faculties:

These offer practically oriented courses of study in 17 Bachelor's degree programmes in one Master's degree programme (information in German only) and also continuing education for professionals.

In the field of research and development, the ZHW works closely with partners from commerce, industry, and public institutions.

The ZHW came into being in 1998 through the merger of the Winterthur Polytechnic (TWI), the School of Economics and Business Administration Winterthur (HWV) and the Zurich School for Translation and Interpretation (DOZ). The newly established School of Health Sciences ist the fifth School since 2006.
You can find out more about the history of the ZHW under Facts and Figures.


» Locations and addresses (Map of Winterthur)

» ZHW at a glance (pdf 514 KB)

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