The umbrella organization of
the associations DÜV, ETW und GZB. The Senior Management of ZHW,
the VSZHW and the Winterthur Konvent are also members.
(Information in German)
ZHW has three former students’ associations, corresponding
to the three institutes from which it originated:
Graduates of the TWI (ex-Technikum Winterthur),
which was merged with the HWV and DOZ into the ZHW in 1998, are members
of the Ehemalige des Technikums Winterthur.
Member of Alumni ZHW und FHSchweiz
(Information in German)
The Gesellschaft Zürcher Betriebsökonomen
HWV is the professional association of graduates of the ex-HWV.
(Information in German)
The Dolmetscher- und Übersetzervereinigung is
the professional association of graduates of the ex-Dolmetscherschule
Zürich (DOZ), and runs an agency for translators and interpreters
in Zurich.
Other associations of former students:
Association of graduates of the degree
programme Communication - Journalism and Organizational
Communication (Information in German)
Swiss Paralegal Association
Graduates of the postgraduate course Paralegal
(Information in German)
Winterthurer Konvent
Convention of the old fellows
(Information in German)
A network of graduates from Swiss Universities
of Applied Sciences with postgraduate degrees from Universities
outside of Switzerland.