Facts and figures

Student numbers
approximately 3000 students are enrolled at the ZHW in 15 degree programmes (current statistics).

An average of 1300 persons every year study in the postgraduate area of the ZHW (postgraduate degree programmes, ('MAS', master of Advanced Studies, formerly NDS), postgraduate courses, (ZL, formerly 'NDK'), professional development courses, ('WBK).

Personnel statistics
The ZHW employs

You can find individual members of staff through the search mask under ZHW members (in the » German section of the website only).

Financial key figures for 2004
Total financing: CHF 100.8 million
Of which:

The operating expenses comprise 86.1% for personnel, 1.5% for third party services, 9.7% for material expenses and 8.9% for other expenses. You will find details in the » Financial Statement (in German). Infrastructure The ZHW occupies different buildings at 4 locations in Winterthur.



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