History of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur,
The ZHW came into being in 1998 through the
merger of the Winterthur Polytechnic (TWI) and the Winterthur
School of Economics and Business Administration (HWV). Since early
the Zurich School for Translation and Interpretation (DOZ).has
also been part of the ZHW.
All three precursor institutions of the ZHW can look back on
a history rich in tradition: the TWI, founded in 1874,
is the oldest and largest engineering polytechnic in Switzerland.
The HWV, founded in 1968 by the Commercial Association of Zurich
(KV Zurich) was the first institution of its kind in Switzerland.
In 1996 it moved from Zurich to the Volkart Building in Winterthur.
The Zurich School for Translation and Interpretation (DOZ) originated
as a private school in 1946 before becoming a cooperative. The
DOZ is expected to move from its current location in Zurich Oerlikon
in early 2005, to the Mäander Building in Winterthur.
The University of Applied Sciences formed out of these institutions
is one of the seven members of the Zurich University of Applied
Sciences (ZFH), which was created in 1998 after the voters of
the Canton of Zurich approved the Zurich law concerning the Universities
of Applied Sciences.
History of
HWV (in German, pdf, 86KB)
of TWI (in German, pdf,
97 KB)
of DOZ (in German, pdf,
66 KB)
der Lehranstalt zur Fachhochschule»: commemorative publication «125
Jahre Technikum Winterthur» (information in German only)