The Supervisory Board

is responsible for the direct supervision of the ZHW's activities. In accordance with the authority specified in the Zurich law concerning the Universities of Applied Sciences, it makes applications to the Board of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, or makes its own final decisions.

Urs Hofmann (President), Betriebsoekonom HWV
Edit Seidl (Vice President), Prof.
Barbara Meili, Dr. phil.
Christine Schmid Altermatt
Urs Schwager, lic. phil.
Ernst Willi, Dr.
Ernst Wohlwend, Stadtpraesident Winterthur

Participants with an advisory function
Walter Meier, Prof. Dr., delegate of the Board of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (FHR)
Wolfgang Annighoefer, member of the senior management of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZFH
Werner Inderbitzin, Prof. Dr. oec. publ., President of the ZHW
Portrait (in German)
Matthias Elmer, Prof., mag. oec HSG, Vice-President
Portrait (in German)
Rolf Butz, Managing Director of the Management Services
Portrait (in German)
Andreas Ruckstuhl, Prof. Dr., President of the Council of Delegates
Portrait (in German)
Felix Eppensteiner, delegate of the ZHW employees research assistants
Portrait (in German)
A delegate of the VSZHW (ZHW students' association)

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