Locations and addresses
Technikumstrasse (Technology Library; Registrar's office, senior management, management services, School of Engineering: Managing directorate, degree programmes, Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology ICB, Institute of Embedded Systems InES, Institute of Applied Information Technology InIT, Institute of Mechatronic Systems IMS, Center for Computational Physics; School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering)
Technikumstrasse 9
Bankstrasse 4 (School of Health Sciences)
PO Box 805
CH-8401 Winterthur
Tel. +41 52 267 71 71
Fax +41 52 268 71 71
E-mail: info@zhwin.ch
» Buildings
St. Georgenplatz (Business Library, School of Management: Managing directorate, degree programmes, Institute of Enterprise Management IEM, Winterthur Institute of Health Management WIG, Institute for Public Management IVM, Center for Arts Management, Center for Sports & Management; )
(St. Georgenplatz 2, St. Georgenstrasse 70)
PO Box 958
CH-8401 Winterthur
Tel. +41 52 267 71 71
Fax +41 52 268 71 71
E-mail: w-info@zhwin.ch
Theaterstrasse 15c (Meander; Linguistics Library, School of Communication: Managing directorate, Institute of Applied Linguistics for Business and Education ISBB, Institute of Translation and Interpreting IUED, degree programme communication Studies, specialization in Multilingual Communication/Technical Communication, degree programme Interpreting)
Bankstrasse 4, Stadthausstrasse 14 (School of Health Professions)
PO Box 805
CH-8401 Winterthur
Tel. +41 52 267 71 71
Fax +41 52 268 71 71
E-mail: info@zhwin.ch
» Buildings St. Georgenplatz
Toessfeld (Architecture Library; School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering: Head of School, degree programmes Architecture; Technopark, Transfer ZHW, School of communication: Institute of Applied Media Studies IAM, degree programme Communication Studies, Specialization in Journalism and Organizational Communication; School of Engineering: Center for Product and Process Development ZPP, Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design IDP, Competence Centre for Safety and Risk Prevention; School of Management: Institute of Banking & Finance IBF, Institute of Business Law IWR)
(Toessfeldstrasse 11 und 13, Zur Kesselschmiede 35, Jaegerstr. 2)
PO Box 805
CH-8401 Winterthur
Tel. +41 52 267 71 71
Fax +41 52 268 71 71
E-mail: info@zhwin.ch
» Buildings
Center German as a Foreign Language (Classrooms only)
Sumatrastrasse 10
CH-8006 Zurich
» Map
Telefon +41 52 260 60 90
Fax +41 52 269 60 90
E-mail: daf-info@zhwin.ch
Locations clockwise
from top left: St. Georgenplatz SM, St. Georgenplatz W, Winterthur Toessfeld Technopark,
Click on each picture to open a detailed map of the corresponding
(No picture for Oerlikon) Standorte: St. Georgenplatz SM, St. Georgenplatz W, Tössfeld (Technopark), Technikumstrasse (v. oben links).
No picture for Bankstrasse and Sumatrastrasse/Zurich
» | Map of locations in Winterthur |
» | Map of locations in Winterthur for printing (pdf) |
» | Maps / Buildings all in one for printing (pdf, 1 122 KB) |
» | Sports facilitites in Winterthur |
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